Saltwater-fisheries Enhancement Association (SEA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the conservation and preservation of our saltwater resources for the benefit of recreational users. SEA was formed in late 2000 as a grassroots organization focusing on raising money locally to address issues and support projects
Saltwater-fisheries Enhancement Association (SEA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the conservation and preservation of our saltwater resources for the benefit of recreational users. SEA was formed in late 2000 as a grassroots organization focusing on raising money locally to address issues and support projects benefiting the inshore and offshore saltwater resources of the Coastal Bend of Texas.
SEA has grown through the support of individuals, businesses and industry to become an effective voice for the recreational angler with members serving on Texas Parks and Wildlife's Sea Grass Task Force and Trout Work Group, representing recreational stakeholders.
SEA has been involved in issues including the regulation of floating cabins, the elimination of the retention of guide limits and adjustments in daily and slot limits on Spotted Sea Trout. SEA monitors regulatory proposals affecting the saltwater fishery providing information to members and soliciting feedback to establish positions reflecting the interest of SEA members.
SEA has supported saltwater fisheries management through contributions to Texas Parks and Wildlife Coastal Fisheries and Enforcement Divisions in excess of $290,000. Research efforts have been supported by contributions of $263,000, with the majority of these funds directed at developing spawning and rearing procedures for Flounder at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas, Texas. SEA recognizes the importance of public awareness and education in facilitating effective management practices and focuses heavily on youth events to promote a better understanding of our saltwater fishery by tomorrow's anglers and leaders.
SEA was founded on the premise of raising local money for local projects and remains a grassroots organization with direction determined by the membership. Input and suggestions are both encouraged and appreciated and determine the priorities for the organization.
Seeing a need for locally-driven conservation that serves the immediate community, the SEA was established in 2000 to support education and conservation of local fisheries and habitats.
Our team of volunteers work hard to meet the goals of the organization. New faces are always welcome! Call or email and we will show you how you can help!